sermons & teaching
Our current and most recent sermon series are listed here. Links to sermon notes are included where available. You can also watch all our sermons online via our YouTube channel.
From November 2023: We are following Lectionary readings
28th April 2024 - In it Together. Acts 8: 26-40 and John 15: 1-8. David Charlesworth
24th March 2024 - Palm Sunday. Philippians 2: 5-11 and Mark 11: 1-11. David Charlesworth
5th November 2023 - We are all God's Witnesses. Matthew 24: 1-14. Rev. Rachel Winn
10th December 2023 - Be Prepared. 2 Peter 3: 8-15a and Mark 1: 1-8. David Charlesworth
September/October 2023: Favourite Bible Passages
In September and October, we will be looking at some of our favourite Bible passages.
These scriptures have shaped the faith and ministry of those on the preaching team.
This is Rev. Simon’s final series with us, and he wanted to share some of his favourites with us.
3rd September - Reaching out to Jesus. Mark 5: 21-34 (Anna Couper)
10th September - Hearing God's Voice. 1 Kings 19: 9-18 (Rev. Simon)
17th September - Creation Sunday. Reading: Isaiah 58
24th September - Who is my Neighbour? Luke 10: 25-37 (Rev. Simon)
1st October - Psalm 139 (Sarah Butler)
8th October - Called to be uncomfortable? 1 Timothy 4: 9-16 (David Charlesworth)
15th October - The Wholehearted Disciple. Proverbs 3: 1-11 (Rev. Clive Grinham)
22nd October - (Rev. Allie Kerr)
29th October - Life in all its Fullness. John 10: 7-15 (Keith Howick)
Summer Services: Our All-Age summer series will follow the story of Moses and the Exodus. Join us as we set out on the defining journey of the Old Testament.
30th July - A Baby in the Basket
6th August - The Burning Bush
13th August - An Almighty Showdown
20th August - The Red Sea
27th August - Ten Rules
June - July 2023: The Daily Disciple - The Life of Faith in 1 Peter
We live in an increasingly secular society. The 2021 census confirmed that England and Wales are now “Christian minority” countries. This raises difficult questions about the life and witness of the Church of England as the established Church. This picture is complicated further by the recent occasions of state which, contrary to the findings of the census, have cemented the place of copes and mitres as part of the optics we present to the rest of the world. But away from the theatre of these national events, what does this tension mean for our day-to-day experience of Christian discipleship right here in the community? How can we grow and mature in our faith, in the midst of this cultural phenomenon? To guide us through these questions, we will be turning to the New Testament letter of 1 Peter, where the apostle writes to Christian communities under pressure of much the same kind. Rev. Simon
11th June - A Living Hope. 1 Peter 1: 3-9
18th June - A Holy Call. 1 Peter 1: 13-21
25th June - A Living Temple. 1 Peter 2: 4-10
2nd July - Church and State. 1 Peter 2: 11-17
9th July - Suffering for doing Good. 1 Peter 3: 8-22
16th July - Suffering for being Christian. 1 Peter 4: 7-19
23rd July - Power in the Church. 1 Peter 5: 1-11
4th June - Trinity Sunday. 2 Corinthians 13: 11-14
April - May 2023: Encounters in John
We are looking at some of the transformational encounters with Jesus, as they are recorded in John’s Gospel. Have you ever noticed how those who came into contact with Jesus during his earthly ministry are permanently shaped by the exchange? The point is: Jesus makes a difference. But surely, what is true for the characters we are going to meet over the coming weeks should be true for us today. How will Jesus make a difference to our lives? How will we be shaped by our own encounters with him? Rev. Simon
16th April - Can anything good come out of Nazareth? John 1:35-51
23rd April - How can a man be born when he is old? John 3:1-21
30th April - Are you greater than our father Jacob? John 4:1-26
(7th May - All Age Service: Coronation)
14th May - Do you believe because you have seen me? John 20:19-31
21st May - Simon, son of John, do you love me? John 21:4-19
Good Friday Reflections
Easter and the Arts
A series of reflections on the Easter story through the mediums of music, art and poetry.
Palm Sunday Poem
Jan-Mar 2023: Why do we…?
A sense of routine can be helpful thing. It brings order and structure, and it can even be a helpful tool for moving forward in time of trauma. But this can only be the case if we are conscious of the routines and practices which organise our lives - that is, if we understand that they are only a means, and not an end in themselves. Every once in a while, it is healthy to reflect on our patterns of work, rest, and worship and ask: “Why do I do what I do?” or “Why do I do these things in this way?” Typically, we ask ourselves such questions at the beginning of the new year, and so it feels right that we as a church community should be reflecting on such questions at the start of this new chapter, following our 150th anniversary. This term, we will ask ourselves fundamental questions which we would not normally pause to ask, such as, “Why do we have Holy Communion?”, “Why do we preach the Bible”, or “Why should we practise forgiveness?”
It is my hope that, in asking such questions, we may discover a renewed vigour for the life of the local church, in all her complex glory. Rev. Simon
15th January: Receive the Sacraments (1 Corinthians 11: 23-32 and John 6: 25-40)
22nd January, St Paul's Sunday: Paul's Conversion (Acts 9: 1-22)
29th January: Teach the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3: 1-17 and John 5: 30-47)
5th February: Serve (Philippians 2: 1-11 and John 13: 3-20)
12th February: Use our Gifts (Romans 12: 1-8 and John 16: 4b-15)
19th February: Aspire to Unity (Romans 12: 9-21 and John 17: 13-26)
26th February: Forgive (Colossians 3: 12-17 and John 7:53 – 8:10)
5th March: Make Disciples (1 Corinthians 4: 14-21 and John 21: 15-19)
12th March: Practise Hospitality (Romans 15: 1-7 and John 21: 4-14)
19th March: Mothering Sunday (John 3: 9-21 and Romans 10: 12-17)
26th February: Evangelise (Romans 10: 12-17 and John 3: 9-21)
11th January 2023: Reflections on the death of Pope Benedict
8th January 2023: Epiphany
Dec 2022: Advent Course
Our 2022 Advent course explored what happened in the 400 year gap between the Old and New Testaments. You can find out more and watch the video transcripts on the course page.
Nov-Dec 2022: The Promise of a Better Kingdom
In Advent, we prepare for the coming of Christ. The Church does this in a double sense, looking towards Christmas and remembering Christ’s first coming, and anticipating his glorious return. Poverty and majesty are deliberately contrasted. But what did the promise of a coming king mean for the saints of old?
6th November: Abraham's Promise (Genesis 17: 1-8 & John 8: 48-59)
13th November: Remembrance Sunday (Romans 8: 31-39 & Micah 4: 1-5)
20th November: Daniel's Vision (Daniel 7: 9-18 & Mark 14: 53-65)
27th November: Zechariah’s Shock (Luke 1: 5-25 & Isaiah 40: 1-8)
4th December: Zechariah's Prayer (Luke 1: 57-80 & Isaiah 40: 9-11)
11th December: Mary’s Song (Luke 1: 26-56 & Isaiah 40: 27-31)
Sep-Oct 2022: The Human Epic: From Creation to New Creation
In defiance of the spirit of despair which threatens to grip our nation, we will trace the theme of the New Creation through the Bible. This is the golden thread which ever affirms that Jesus is Lord, whose love precedes and overcomes our folly. We will see how the Bible moves from creation to new creation in broken and uneven steps, and yet never departs from the hopeful vision of a secure and well-ordered future. We will learn to pray, as the Church has ever prayed, “Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.”
4th September: Before the Beginning (Genesis 1: 1-15 & John 1: 1-14)
11th September: In the Beginning (Matthew 8: 18-27 & Genesis 1:24 – 2:22)
18th September: The World Hurts Too! (Romans 8: 18-25 & Matthew 9: 1-8)
25th September: Back in Your Place! (Matthew 14: 22-32 & Job 38: 1-21)
2nd October: A Renewed Vision (Isaiah 65: 17-25 & Matthew 17: 1-13)
9th October: ALL Things! (Matthew 21: 12-22 & Colossians 1: 15-23)
16th October: A New Me (2 Corinthians 5: 11-21 & Matthew 27: 45-56)
30th October: A New World (Matthew 28:1-20 & Revelation 21:1-6; 21:22 – 22:5)