food voucher appeal
Although the warmer weather marks a significant turning point in the cost-of-living crisis, food poverty continues to be a growing reality in our parish. As the summer holiday approaches, it brings with it the challenge of putting food on the table for six long weeks, without the assistance of free school meals provided during the term.
For the last two Christmases we have been awarded a diocesan grant that has enabled us to purchase Sainsbury's vouchers which we have distributed to local families via the places of education in our parish. Unfortunately, we are unable to apply for the diocesan grant because it no longer exists. We are therefore appealing to the congregation to give generously so that we can support local families facing food poverty, through a similar voucher scheme.
After each service for the next two Sundays we will be leaving a separate collection plate at the back of church, with a card reader, for those who wish to give by cash or card. For those who wish to give online directly to the church's account, please use the reference FOOD. Should you require the church bank details, please email
Last Christmas we were awarded a grant of £2,500, with which we procured 50 × £50 vouchers. Over the next few weeks, we are making this our target. In the event we raise more than this, we will ensure all additional funds are set aside for the express purpose of supporting families facing food poverty. If you would like any more information about giving to the food voucher scheme, please speak to Rev. Simon or Rosemary Dear.