community weekend
You are warmly invited to our 2023 Community Weekend, which will take place on 26th and 27th August!
St Paul's is committed to help build a sense of community in New Beckenham. As the local Parish Church, we believe it is crucial to reach out to our neighbours of all faiths and none. Everything we offer is free, although donations to help with the costs are always welcome.
Our exciting weekend programme offers something for everyone. We hope it will provide a great chance to meet your neighbours in a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere.
Saturday Connect Café - Saturday 26th August, 9-11am
Our Community Weekend begins with our new popular monthly Saturday Connect Café. The coffee is brewing, the toys and games are out for the children, the bacon butties will be ready, now with added toast and marmalade. An opportunity to meet socially and even take part in our litter picking team and other activities.
Litter Picking Team - Saturday 26th August, 9.30-10.30am
Last month our intrepid team picked up several bags of rubbish from the local streets, and got numerous thanks from local residents. The more the merrier and reward yourself at the Connect Café. Pickers' hi-vis jackets and litter bags provided!
All Age Cycle Ride – Saturday 26th August, 11am-1.30pm
A gentle ride out along the safe cycle route on the Waterlink Way, to Ladywell Fields in Lewisham. Bring a packed a lunch or make use of the café in the park. Helmets (and bikes!) are a must, and children must be accompanied and supervised by parents. There will be a leader and tail rider to keep the ride together.
Culinary Capers – Saturday 26th August, 2-4pm
Building on the success of previous Pasta Classes, this year we are widening our range of fun outdoor cooking classes. Learn how to make your own delicious Onion Bhajis, Apple Pies and Cheese or Ginger Scones. Keep an eye on our website for other culinary delights. All ingredients and utensils provided.
Film Night – Saturday 26th August, 8-10pm
We’ve not selected the Classic Film yet, but it’s a night for bringing your drinks and popcorn and watching on the screens in the church. With a bit of luck there will be cakes left over from the afternoon! We will announce the film choice on this website and on our Facebook page.
All Age Service – Sunday 27th August, 10.30-11.30am
For those interested in what goes on inside the church on a Sunday morning! Join us for an All Age service as we continue our summer series on the life of Moses, found in the Old Testament of the Bible. Today's theme is a big one: God gives Moses the Ten Commandments.
Community BBQ - Brass Band – Tea and Cakes - Sunday 27th August, 1-4pm.
We bring the weekend to a close with a free Community BBQ of locally sourced sausages and buns, followed by a Brass Band concert from our friends at the Crystal Palace Progress Band. Last year's concert of music from films, popular songs and traditional marches was enjoyed by hundreds - so bring a camping chair or rug if you can! Table tennis and Garden games will be out on the lawns too. And finally, there will be more home-made cakes and tea to mark the end of our Community Weekend